About us
InTaKT festival is organized by the association IKS, which is a non-profit association based in Graz, which organizes cultural events for all people.
Artistic director:
Mag. Lina Hölscher, M.M.A.
Lina Hölscher is 38 years old and from Berlin. She studied Drama in Munich and London and Social Education in Graz. She lives in Graz since 10 years. She works in theatres and other cultural facilities. It is important to her that art and culture also take place for and by people with disabilities. She is the artistic director of InTaKT since the first edition.
Organisational director:
Mag. Dr. Christoph Kreinbucher-Bekerle
Christoph Kreinbucher-Bekerle is 41 years old and comes from Styria. He studied psychology in Graz and sport sciences in Munich and completed a cultural management course. Actually he works at the University of Graz. As the founder of the association IKS he launched the InTaKT Festival in 2016.
Organisational Assistance: Juliane Spannring orga@intakt-festival.at
Production: Miriam Lesch produktion@intakt-festival.at
Press, Marketing & Social Media: Anita Brodtrager presse@intakt-festival.at
Assistance: Flora Stadlmann info@intakt-festival.at
Inclusivity Experts: Florian Finsterbusch, Florian Haider, Fatema Hamidi, Sebastian Liebich, Cornelia Weixler, Agnes Zenz, Patrick Zündel
Design: Philipp Brillinger
Website: Peter Wetz
Photo & film: Edi Haberl